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Overview of job offers

Le Parisien offers you an overview of job offers to find or change jobs in 2019. Here are our top 5 companies that will be recruiting in Nouvelle Aquitaine, the professions and profiles sought.

There are many hiring opportunities for 2019 and they concern all sectors. Regardless of one's level of qualification, opportunities exist, including for retraining candidates. Region by region, we have established a top 5 of what we believe will be the biggest recruitment operations this year. Focus on the Nouvelle Aquitaine region, where the fiber optics sector will create 3,800 jobs.


Our top 5 companies recruiting in Nouvelle Aquitaine

1. CDiscount (distance selling) in Cestas (Gironde)
- Number of positions: 307
- Profiles: logistics, sales, IT, support functions
- Date: In progress

2. CGI France (software) in Haillan (Gironde)
- Number of positions: 253
- Profiles: IT, developers, consultants
- Date: In progress

3. Keolis (urban transport) in Bordeaux and Agen
- Number of positions: 225
- Profiles: bus and streetcar drivers, technicians, support functions
- Date: In progress

4. Futuroscope (amusement park) in Jaunay-Clan (Vienne)
- Number of positions: 201
- Profiles: reception, animation, catering, sales
- Date: In progress

5. Lauak (aeronautical group) in Hasparren (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
- Number of jobs: 120
- Profiles: boilermakers, welders, technicians
- Date: In progress

The OliKrom nugget wants to see more

In 2009, when Jean-François Létard, an engineer at the CNRS, left the prestigious scientific institution to create his own small company in Pessac, he knew that the road ahead would be complicated. However, in less than 10 years, his start-up has become one of the world's top 10 "smart" materials with the creation of a revolutionary paint.

"We are the only ones in the world to master this technology, which we design 100% in our laboratory," says the boss.

La peinture de Olikrom augmente la visibilité de 50 à 100 m. /Olikrom

OliKrom has developed a paint that captures and stores light via intelligent pigments. Once night falls, it becomes illuminating in any weather and increases visibility by 50 to 100 m compared to a conventional paint. "The test we carried out on a cycle track in the city was largely conclusive, as was the one on the RN 2 in Soissons, in the Aisne region.

Bluffed, the Eiffage group has joined forces with OliKrom to market this paint of the future with multiple applications for road safety. "We are now waiting for certification from the Ministry of Transport to validate its use on French roads on a large scale.

The Gironde-based start-up employs about 15 people, but its founder is ready for a change in dimension. "If our forecasts come true, with an active industrialization phase, we should grow to a staff of 100 to 150 employees within five years. And more innovations should give us even more clout in the future."